Konstantinos Kallas

he/him or they/them
Assistant Professor at UCLA CS
Co-creator of CS PhD MentoRes
TSC member of PaSh
Office: Engineering VI, 382 (or ⛰️ 🌊)
Contact: kkallas@ucla.edu


Konstantinos Kallas is an assistant professor of CS at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is interested in building systems that enable the development of high-performance applications with robust correctness guarantees, both in theory and in practice. His research spans several domains, from serverless and microservices to the Unix shell, has appeared at several venues including OSDI, NSDI, EuroSys, POPL, OOPSLA, and VLDB, and has received several awards (Dennis M. Richie SIGOPS 2024 dissertation award, best paper at EuroSys 21, best presentation at HotOS 21, and 2nd place at the 2021 ACM SRC Grand Finals). His research has led to the development of PaSh, the first optimizing compiler for the shell, which is supported by the Linux Foundation.