Konstantinos Kallas

he/him or they/them
Assistant Professor at UCLA CS
Co-creator of CS PhD MentoRes
TSC member of PaSh
Office: Engineering VI, 382 (or ⛰️)
Contact: kkallas@cs.ucla.edu

Advice for prospective students

I am always looking for highly motivated students with experience in computer systems, compilers, and/or programming languages. My interests are broad and evolve faster than my website update frequency, so the best way to determine what research we could do together is to email me!

When emailing me try to dedicate some time to tailor the email and convey genuine interest. For example, what exactly motivated you to reach out to me? What is your background and research experience? Is there any prior paper (or research thread) of mine that particularly sparked your interest (either due to topic or style)?

The note above is inspired by Alexandros Daglis' note on the same topic.