Konstantinos Kallas

he/him or they/them
Assistant Professor at UCLA CS
Co-creator of CS PhD MentoRes
TSC member of PaSh
Office: Engineering VI, 382 (or ⛰️)
Contact: kkallas@cs.ucla.edu


I am an assistant professor of computer science at UCLA. My research interests lie in the intersection of computer systems, compilers, and programming languages.

Looking for students: I am looking for motivated students to work with me on problems in computer systems, compilers, and programming languages. If you are interested in the style of research that I am doing, read this and send me an email :)

Links: Research, Group, Bio, Papers, Software, Projects, Service and Outreach, Misc

Note: I am committed to ensuring that everyone feels comfortable being part of our research community. I am always happy to talk to anyone (junior or senior) who feels like they want to share or discuss anything; be it a negative (or positive) experience, an interaction with another member of our community, or an issue with university and other processes. I have often needed to seek help myself and found that having access to a listening ear is very helpful.


The goal of my research is to enable the development of high-performance applications with robust correctness guarantees. To achieve this goal, I build practical programmable software systems that target realistic workloads in widely-used environments. I build my systems on solid foundations using techniques drawn from the programming languages, compilers, and formal methods literature.

Here are some of my recent papers. A complete list of my publications, talks, reports, and software can be found here or on my Google Scholar profile.

Cloud Software Systems

Compilers and Systems for Shell Scripts


I am interested in doing research that leads to usable open-source systems. As an example, my research has led to the development of the PaSh project, a software ecosystem that is supported by the Linux Foundation and has a lively open-source community.

Here are some example systems that have come out of my group's research. A complete list can be found here.


In my free time I enjoy human activities, like reading books. I really like lying down and falling asleep in nature, with or without the presence of other people. I occasionally like producing rhythmic sounds from electric guitars, usually in the context of some jam session.