Konstantinos Kallas

he/him or they/them
PhD student at UPenn
Co-creator of CS PhD MentoRes
TSC member of PaSh
Member of Penn's DSL and PLClub
Office: Levine 513 (or ⛰️)
Contact: kallas@seas.upenn.edu


I am a final year PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania, where I am fortunate to be advised by Rajeev Alur. My research interests lie in the intersection of computer systems and programming languages.

I am a member of the Technical Steering Committee of PaSh, a shell-script parallelization project hosted by the Linux Foundation.

Together with Manos Theodosis we co-created CS PhD MentoRes in 2021, a mentoring initiative for people that are interested in applying for PhD programs in Computer Science and related fields but don't have access to adequate resources. If you are interested in applying for a PhD (or just want to know more about what it entails), contact us!

📰 News: 📰 I am on the academic job market this year (2023-2024 cycle) looking for tenure track positions.

Links: Research, Group, Papers, Software, Projects, Service and Outreach, Misc

Note: I am committed to ensuring that everyone feels comfortable being part of our research community. I am always happy to talk to anyone (junior or senior) who feels like they want to share or discuss anything; be it a negative (or positive) experience, an interaction with another member of our community, or an issue with university and other processes. I have often needed to seek help myself and found that having access to a listening ear is very helpful.


The goal of my research is to enable the development of high-performance applications with robust correctness guarantees. To achieve this goal, I build practical programmable software systems that target realistic workloads in widely-used environments. I build my systems on solid foundations using formal specifications and techniques drawn from the programming languages, compilers, and formal methods literature.

Here are some of my representative recent papers. A complete list of my publications, talks, reports, and software can be found here or on my Google Scholar profile.

Cloud Software Systems

Compilers and Systems for Shell Scripts


Here are some selected software systems that have come out of my group's research. A complete list can be found here.


In my free time I enjoy human activities. I really enjoy lying down and falling asleep in nature, with or without the presence of other people. During the late 2010s I was obsessed with escape rooms but I am not going that often anymore. I occasionally like producing rhythmic sounds from electric guitars, usually in the context of some jam session.